Updated After School Program Registration Information!

Hello Club families,

If you have not yet completed registration, there are limited spaces still available in the after school programs at some of the Club sites.

REGISTRATION for the in person After School Programs and Youth Drop in Programs are now open! Click here to visit our online registration site: https://ca.apm.activecommunities.com/bgcgh/Activity_Search

Below is an updated list of the schools the Club sites will be offering After School programs to during the 2020-2021 term:

Admiral Westphal site (Grades Primary – 6)

  • Admiral Westphal only

Cole Harbour site (Grades Primary – 6)

  • Colonel John Stuart, and Bois Joli

 Dartmouth North Site (Grades Primary – 6)

  • Harbourview and Shannon Park

East Dartmouth site (Grades Primary – 6)

  • Ian Forsyth

 Humber Park site (Grades Primary – 6)

  • Humber park only

Sackville site (Grades Primary – 5 only)*newly added

  • *Harry R Hamilton, Millwood and Sackville Heights Elementary

 Spryfield site (Grades Primary – 6)

  • Central Spryfield and John W. MacLeod

  As public health guidelines evolve or change, we may be able to increase the number of children we can serve and consider further program changes. Thank you for your understanding!

Virtual Programming

We are very happy to be offering a virtual After-school program! Our Virtual sessions are held at specific times and in an interactive way. This is important as we want to offer valuable social interactions to your kids where they get to spend time with two of our trained program staff and other kids. The program is designed to keep your child engaged for 1 hour after school and introduce them to fun activities and friends of their own age. We will be offering this program AT NO COST.

Participants 6 – 7 years old

Participants 8-9 years old

Participants 10-12 years old

Youth 13+ years old