Program Guidelines

Expectations of parents, guardians and caregivers 

  • Label belongings and check lost & found. The club is NOT responsible for lost, stolen or broken personal items.
  • Provide indoor footwear (labelled).
  • Provide a refillable water bottle (no glass) (labelled).
  • Send your child/youth prepared for both non-active and active programs/activities.
  • Provide nutritional non-heatable lunches, snacks and drinks. We strive to promote healthy eating.
  • Update member information, authorized persons on pick-up list, contact numbers several times per year and when member information changes.
  • Support the club by participating in questionnaires, fundraising, special events or volunteering. Your assistance helps keep fees down.
  • The Club does not tolerate caregivers who use physical and/or verbal force to discipline children/youth in our care. Please use appropriate language and discipline techniques.
  • Communicate with staff in a respectful manner. The club does not tolerate inappropriate language or threats of violence.
  • Please direct questions or concerns to staff when members (children and youth) are not present. If you have major concerns please contact the Director of Programs.
  • A member will not be released to a caregiver under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Inquire how your child/youth is doing, we encourage communication directly with staff at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner. Staff will touch base on an as-needed basis.

Admission & Enrollment


  • In order to participate in any program, activity or event hosted by the BGC Greater Halifax Clubs, children and youth must become a member! To become a member (3 to 18 years of age) of the BGC Greater Halifax Clubs a Membership/Online family account must be completed by a parent/guardian and an annual $10.00 membership fee paid. Membership term is September 1 to August 31.
  • Programs, activities and special events have participant minimums, maximums, age restrictions and/or require the accompaniment of an adult (18 years or older). Children & youth are not necessarily admitted to the Club according to their position on a waiting list, other factors play a role such as: age, area of service, school, etc.
  • Children & youth with special needs may not be admitted until all necessary resources are in place. Caregivers must meet with the Club Manager and/or the Director of Programs (or designate) prior to registration to ensure: a) our organization has the capacity to provide services based on the child’s need and b) financial arrangements are in place. All cases are assessed on an individual basis. Membership may be denied depending on the circumstances and needs of applicants.
  • A member, parent, guardian or caregiver who previously used the Club, caused administrative or legal problems, disturbed the peace of the club, behaved in any way which detracted from the sound operation of the club and its programs may not be re-admitted.
  • Membership allows children and youth the opportunity to participate in age applicable low or no fee ‘core’ programs. For example, Torch, Keystone, breakfast, special events, various sports, and evening/weekend activities. Applicants must complete online registration/fill out required forms as applicable.
  • Those who wish to enroll in Registered Programs must complete the registration online (deposit may be required). Fees are billed monthly and payment is due on the 21st via pre-authorized debit transactions.
  • Fees for services are processed on the 21st of each month. The onus is that of the client, to ensure the funds are in their account prior to the clock rolling over to 12 am on the 21st of any given month. All transactions that do not clear are charged $25.00 Administration fee (Insufficient funds, declined, Card was reported lost/stolen, Card issuer wants card returned etc.)
  • Banking information and payment changes need to be requested via writing to at least 5 business days before the payment process date.

Refunds / Reimbursement

  • ALL Deposits are NON-refundable.
  • If an overpayment occurs reimbursement is issued upon request. Please allow fourteen (14) business days to receive this refund by mail.


  • Fall/Winter/Spring Programs – 2 weeks (14 days) written notice, via email to If this procedure is not followed accounts will be charged.
  • Summer Programs – Cancellations for all of July service must be submitted in writing via email to by June 1st. Cancellations for all of August service must be submitted in writing via email to by July 1st. If this procedure is not followed, accounts will be charged.

Arrival and Departure

Attendance is taken for all programs.

Registered ‘Extended’ Programs (After School, In-service day camps, Xmas break camps, Spring Break Camp)


  • Supervision does not officially begin until the program starts. No members will be permitted into the facility before program start times.
  • Parents/guardians or approved designate must accompany their child/ren into the facility at all times to sign their child in for (i.e. in-service days, Christmas/Spring Break, and summer).
  • If your child does not attend school on any given day due to an illness or suspension, they are not permitted to attend or participate in any programs/services offered at the BGCGH.
  • If your child has an appointment scheduled during program hours (9:00 am – 5:00 pm) make other arrangements for care that day. It is nearly impossible to guarantee where your child will be at a specific time during the day.
  • Parents/guardians must notify the club if their child will be absent. Call site by 11 am for absences from After School.


  • Parents/Guardians are required to enter the facility to pick up their child in person and sign out. Parents/guardians and approved designates are required to provide a photo ID upon request of Staff. All members must sign out.
  • Once a member leaves the program, activity, event or facility, they will not be permitted back that day or evening.
  • Parents/guardians should arrive no later than 5:20 pm and depart by 5:30 pm Summer and 5:50 pm and depart by 6:00 pm Fall/Winter/Spring (closing time). All members should have exited the Club facilities by these times.
  • Late pick-up fees will be applied to your account if more than one (1) incident occurs without communicating a valid excuse (i.e. emergency, accident). Continued incidents will result in the dismissal of a member from our program.
  • Late pick-up fees: $10.00 the first 15 minutes with an additional $5.00 for every 10 minutes thereafter.

Non Registered “Core” Programs: (Torch, Keystone, special events, drop in, youth nights, etc.).


  • Supervision does not officially begin until the program starts.
  • All members who wish to participate must sign in and have appropriate gear.
  • Program maximums will be in place for the safety of all.


  • All members who participated must sign out.
  • Ages 5 to 11 years – Parents/guardians or approved designate must either; pick up their child in person, or provide the Club with written documentation via e-mail on how and when the child will go home.
  • Ages 12 to 18 years – Members are free to leave with written permission from the Parent/Guardian. The Boys and Girls Club is not responsible for children or youth once they have left the facility.
  • Once a member leaves the program, activity, event or facility, they will not be permitted back that day or evening.

Participant Rules

For the protection of our members, they are required to adhere to the following expectations (others may be put in place for a specific program):

  • No personal phone calls to or from members. Unless in case of emergency.
  • No cell phones, gaming devices, stuffed animals or toys from home at the Club.
  • Respect any facility they are in.
  • Be respectful of other members’ wishes, ideas, personal space and concerns.
  • Respect staff and adhere to directions/instructions.
  • No yelling or shouting while indoors.
  • No foul language.
  • No physical violence in any form (including play fighting/rough housing).
  • No chewing gum in the facility.
  • No loitering around the facility.
  • No sharing food with others so as to guard against food allergies.
  • Respect a scent free environment.
  • Respect a peanut aware environment.
  • Members practice club waste management plan (no littering).
  • Share materials and equipment with each other. Equipment will be the responsibility of staff to ensure proper use is taking place and is returned to proper storage.
  • Members are not allowed to be in & out of the facility on their own.
  • Adhere to boundaries assigned by staff (i.e. rooms, outdoor spaces, etc.)
  • Non marking/no skid indoor shoes required in the gym. No outdoor footwear.

Accident/ Incident

a. Accident

Staff are required to completely fill-out and submit a Critical Incident form to their immediate supervisor before the end of their shift. Staff are required for employment to be trained in First Aid and CPR. They attend to minor injuries such as cuts, bruises; scratches, etc. In the case of potentially serious injury such as cuts requiring stitches, suspected broken bones, or head injuries, staff will call 911 & the parent will arrange to meet them at the Emergency Room of local Hospital or IWK Hospital. Parents/guardians are liable for any costs incurred (i.e. ambulance costs)

b. Incident

Incidents will occur and staff will address all in a professional and timely manner. Incidents vary in severity and are approached and solved differently. More serious incidents require staff involved to mediate, solve, record and inform their immediate supervisor.

Health policy

The Health Section of the Membership form must be completed. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to report diet restrictions, allergies, or other health problems. Members are required to be well enough to participate in daily activities including outside play.

a. Illness

We expect parents/guardians to keep members home who are sick or carry a communicable disease/illness. This includes, but not limited to, flu symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, chicken pox, head lice and/or nits and pink eye. After a 24 hour period members will be allowed to re-enter the Club only when the illness/condition has cleared or the member is no longer infectious/contagious. If a member should become ill or develops any of the above symptoms while attending the Club, the member will be isolated until the parent arrives or has arranged pick up. We cannot arrange care in isolation for very long, therefore parents are required to pick up their child/youth within one hour of notification.

b. Medication

Should a member be on medication, both prescription and non-prescription, parents must sign a medication form confirming its usage. The parent/guardian should bring the medication to a staff member to place in club medical storage. In case of emergency, verbal agreement from the parent will be considered binding. All medication must be supplied in its original prescription container or over the counter packaging. No needles (except epi pen) will be given by staff and/or volunteers. Parents must provide a cooler bag with icepack if medication requires refrigeration.

c. Sun smart / Sunscreen

• Members are responsible to apply their own sunscreen. During late spring, summer and early fall participants are instructed to apply sunscreen prior to coming to the club.
• Members are responsible during the day (with reminders from staff) to apply sunscreen. Areas that cannot be reached (i.e. back) participants will be paired with another member of the same gender.
• If it is determined after visual inspection by staff that more sunscreen is needed a member must re-apply the sunscreen.
• Members must replenish their bodies with liquids throughout the day. All members are required to have their own refillable water bottle daily.
• When directed by staff, members must wear a t-shirt and hat.

d. Appropriate Wear

  • Members are expected to come dressed in appropriate attire for the activities and weather elements.
  • During the winter months participants are required to have winter boots, snow pants, jacket, hat and mitts. Members who do not have these items will not be permitted to take part in the activities outside. Members will be outside, just not playing in the snow.
  • During the early spring and late fall members must wear a jacket or sweat shirt while outside.
  • No offensive language, pictures or logos on clothing.
  • During Summer – t-shirts only, one piece bathing suits only, sandals must have toe & ankle straps. NO FLIP FLOPS.
  • Females need to wear shorts under dresses and skirts due to activities. Males need their pants secure around the waist.
  • Please do not wear expensive or “good” clothes as they may not come back in the same condition.

Child Management/ Discipline

In order to ensure a safe, secure and healthy environment for all members the BGCGH has developed a Code of Conduct. In an effort to provide consistency in the lives of members, the staff of BGCGH supports and follows this code of conduct. It is our goal at the BGCGH to help children work through issues and problems in a constructive positive manner. Helping children understand what they could have done differently in any given situation provides them with the tools to make better choices in the future. When an incident occurs between two children, staff are to act as a facilitator to encourage the children to work out the issue using our problem solving model. We view conflict as an opportunity to learn.

Problem Solving Model

Step 1: Bring both children together. Allow each child to explain what they feel has happened without interruption.

Step 2: Ask questions of the children to gain a better understanding of the situation. Repeat the story back to the children. Explain to the children within the story what each other was thinking at the time.

Step 3: Ask them is there anything they could have done differently. If they cannot identify any changes go back through the story stopping at points in which you are able to ask the question again.

Step 4: Work with the children to find a solution that both parties can agree on. It does not always have to be “sorry”. The children will brainstorm some ideas. What we might think will fix the problem may not always be what they want.

The problem solving model will be used by staff and members to defuse most situations that occur at the Club.

Incident Reports

When an incident happens at the Club that requires Parent/Guardian notification, a written Critical Incident form will be filled out by staff, which will be reviewed by a supervisor and then given to a parent/guardian to sign. The BGC Greater Halifax strives to create a positive environment for all of our members. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed and a range of proactive interventions will be used to promote positive behavior. Consequences will be appropriate for each individual member and will consider factors that include the member’s age; stage of development; special needs; social/emotional needs; and level of cognitive functioning, etc. Consequences will also reflect the frequency, severity, and intensity of the inappropriate behavior.

When unacceptable behavior leads to:

Intentional Damage: Intentional Damage committed against the Club or property of the club by any member will result in a suspension. If serious vandalism occurs police will be notified.

Alcohol/Drugs: Any member suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while participating in Club programs or on Club property will have a Parent/Guardian notified immediately. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached the police will be notified immediately.

Stealing: Any member caught stealing from the club or another member will be suspended from the Club.

Physical Violence: Physical violence is not tolerated at the Club. Any member or Parent/Guardian who intentionally inflicts physical harm upon another member, staff, volunteer or parent/guardian will be suspended from the Club. If aggressive behavior continues members will be removed from the program until it is deemed appropriate by the Club Manager for the member to re-enter the program.

Threats: Threats of violence are not tolerated at the club. Any member or Parent/Guardian who threatens physical violence upon another member, staff, volunteer or parent/guardian will be suspended from the Club. If threats continue members will be removed from the program until it is deemed appropriate by the Club Manager for the member to re-enter the program.

Authorities will be contacted when deemed necessary by staff. Suspensions are determined by the Club Manager and Director of Programs. If behavior is beyond the capacity of this organization membership can be revoked according to Bylaw 1.e) “The society has the right to accept, reject or terminate membership in the club.”

Club openings/ closings

The BGC of Greater Halifax sites follow the Halifax Regional Center for Education calendar;

A. Storm Days; When media broadcasts that Halifax Regional Center for Education Schools are
closed then ALL SITES of BGC Greater Halifax Clubs will be CLOSED.

B. Programs/Services; may be cancelled due to inclement weather and will be done at the discretion of Club management.

C. When all Halifax Regional Center for Education Schools are open but school buses are cancelled (due to inclement weather or poor road conditions) then the CLUBS ARE CLOSED. No service at any Site.

D. When schools are in session and inclement weather causes a mid-day closure of Halifax Regional Center for Education schools, then the CLUBS ARE CLOSED. No service at any Site. Parents/Guardians are responsible for picking up their child/ren from school as applicable.

E. If a delayed opening for schools is decided upon by Halifax Regional Centre for Education then after-school program will run as regularly scheduled.

F. Holidays and Training; The BGC of Greater Halifax Clubs will be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Heritage Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Labor Day, Remembrance Day, Canada Day, August Civic Holiday, Truth and Reconciliation Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day .The BGC Greater Halifax Clubs will be closed prior to or after summer day camp programs. This time is used for staff orientation/training.

G. In-service Days; The club is open on In-service and March Break days according to the Halifax Regional Center for Education schedule. The Club will be open, based upon a mandatory pre-registration. A fee is charged for these days. Should a member arrive on a day for which the parent has not pre-registered, the child will not be accepted to the program and staff will contact the parents/guardians, in order to have the member picked up.

If a member has an appointment and is scheduled to attend an in-service day, the parent/guardian is responsible to make alternate arrangements for care on that day. Members must arrive by 9 AM, members arriving after this time will not be accepted to the program on that day.


a. Safety

Our vehicles are equipped with emergency exits, a first aid kit, road flares and a fire extinguisher in case of an emergency. Members and staff are trained on how to properly exit the bus in case of an emergency.

b. Passenger rules

The Club is committed to the safety of its members, staff and volunteers. Accordingly, passengers are required to act in a manner that is conducive to the safe operation of the Bus.

The rules are:
• Passenger’s must stay in their seats facing forward while the bus is in motion
• Passenger’s feet and/or legs must be clear of aisles
• Passenger’s bags/items held on their laps
• Hands must be kept inside the bus
• The bus is filled with passengers from front to back
• No climbing or leaning over the seats
• No fighting with other passengers
• No throwing objects
• No talking (yelling) in an excessively loud manner
• No eating or drinking
• If a member repeatedly violates these guidelines service will be suspended indefinitely.

Waterfront/ pool guidelines

Proper arrangements are made by the Club ahead of time with the beaches or pools
regarding swim time, attendance, costs (if applicable) etc.

• Lifeguard(s) on duty is in charge.
• Staff and/or the lifeguard will go over rules and boundaries with the members.
• Members who are deemed not strong /non swimmers may be requested to wear a proper sized life jacket. If the member refuses, they MAY NOT be permitted to swim. Parent may be required to provide PFD.
• Staff are in the water with the participants.
• Members not swimming will be supervised by staff. Staff will encourage participants to be active and lead by example.
• Members are expected to stay with their group


• If a member discloses sensitive information staff are required to report it immediately to their direct supervisor.

• The incident will then be reported to the police and/or Department of Community Services.


After meeting and discussing the issue(s) with staff and the situation is not resolved then please direct, the complaint to the Club Manager. If you remain unsatisfied please contact the Director of Operations for staff/HR issues or the Director of Programs for any program related concerns. The C.E.O. will only be
involved if the matter is of serious nature (i.e. assault, abuse, major injury, missing person, etc.). If satisfaction is still not derived, state your concern in writing and direct it to the Chairperson of the Program Committee. The Chairperson will present the matter to the full Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board meeting. All decisions of the Board of Director’s are final.

Privacy policy

The Club is committed to protecting the privacy of its employees, volunteers, members, donors and other stakeholders. We value your trust and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information you share with us. We do not sell or distribute any of your personal information to external businesses or societies. Personal information can be used to distinguish, properly serve, identify or contact a specific individual.

This information can include, but is not limited to, banking information, health card, age, medical information, home and/or work phone numbers, civic address, etc. Our club occasionally gathers and uses personal information for our programs, services, program payments, fundraisers, mail-outs, special events and activities. Your information is kept in confidence by staff and volunteers who are authorized to access your personal information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. We will protect personal information in locked filing cabinets, secure IT software and / or in restricted access offices. We will on occasion, share the information with National, Regional and local BGC Greater Halifax Clubs.

Questions, concerns or complaints relating to this Privacy Policy should be directed to the C.E.O. and/or the Director of Operations.


Employees are obligated to safeguard information about members. Any information shared is done with others involved professionally with the member (s) and is done in a manner consistent with ethical and professional practice to serve in the best interest of the participant or is required to protect the well being/ safety of others

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