IMPORTANT: New COVID restrictions, BGC Greater Halifax

Dear BGC Greater Halifax Club families:

You may have heard that the Government of Nova Scotia has imposed new restrictions due to the recent increase of COVID transmission in the Greater Halifax area. These restrictions have an impact on our Club programs, so please review this message carefully to see how it applies to your child/ren’s participation in Club programs.


Beginning Friday, April 23, due to certain school closures, ALL of our in-Club programs (after school and/or youth) will be cancelled at our Cole Harbour (Ritcey Cr.), Humber Park Elementary, and Dartmouth North (Farrell St.) Club locations for two weeks. Our Cole Harbour, Dartmouth North, and Humber Park sites will be closed to Club staff and children at these locations for two weeks. Club families affected by this temporary closure will receive a 2-week credit on their BGC Greater Halifax account. The credit will be applied to May 21st payment as applicable. Credits will be reflected on statements to be issued on May 1st.


Our Admiral Westphal Elementary, East Dartmouth (Caledonia Road), Sackville (Connolly Road), and Spryfield (Aldergrove Drive) Club sites will remain open for after school programs, but not for in-Club youth programs.

While Halifax-run recreation centres have been told to close their facilities to community activities, we have been informed by the City that Boys and Girls Club after school programs may continue at the East Dartmouth Community Centre and the Sackville Heights Community Centre.

Please note: until further notice, ALL after school program participants of ALL ages at our Club sites remaining open must wear masks while indoors during Club activities.

 Thank you for your patience as we navigate and respond to these latest measures!